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Fuel Card Charter  

SINOPEC Fuel Card Charter

Chapter 1 General

 Article 1

SINOPEC Fuel Card ( referred to as the Card hereinafter) is issued by Sinopec Petroleum & Chemical Corporation ( referred to as Sinopec hereinafter), and distributed by the oil product sales branch companies of Sinopec (referred to as Card Seller) .

 Article 2

The Card is a fuel filling card which can be used and rechargeable in all the service station connected with the system of SINOPEC.  The users of the Card can not draw cash out of or overdraft the Card and it is interest-free.

 Article 3

The enterprises and public entities, government departments and groups ( referred to as the Entities hereinafter)  lawfully registered in PRC can apply for Fuel Card for entities as needed; The individuals at home and abroad with complete civil capacity (referred to as Individual) can apply for personal Fuel Card.
 Article 4

The entities and Individuals applying for and using the Card shall observe the provisions set out herein.


Chapter 2 Categorization of the Card

 Article 5

Fuel Card is categorized into Named Fuel Card and Unnamed Fuel Card.

 Article 6

Named Card means the customer’s information shall be registered, and it is categorized into Single User Card and Multiple User Card. The Single User Card means one user holds one card, while Multiple User Card includes one master card and several affiliate cards. The master card controls the use of affiliate cards, whilst the affiliate cards can only be used within the scope authorized by the master card.
 Article 7

Unnamed Card refers to the card with no customers’ information registered and which is rechargeable.
 Article 8

Entity and Individual can apply for the card of either category as needed at their own discretion.


Chapter 3 Account Opening and Closing

 Article 9

Opening account for Named Card. When applying for Named Card at the Card Issuing Office,, the entity or Individual shall, as requested, fill in and provide information necessary for opening an account (Letter of Introduction from the entities, original and duplicate IDs of master card holder and the handling person). The initial deposit sum is determined by the the Card issuing company. The customer can decide to set up his password at his own discretion, and is entitled to bonus point and other &#118alue-added services.
 Article 10

Opening account for Unnamed Card. When applying for Unnamed Card at the Card office, the entity or Individual does not need to register the customer’s information, and can’t set restrictive information or password. The holder of Unnamed Card can not report the loss, or close the account, or claim to be refunded. He is not entitled to bonus point or other &#118alue-added services. The initial deposit sum is subject to the Card Seller. After the formalities for Named Card are settled, Unnamed Card can be converted to Named Card.
 Article 11

Account closing is limited to Named Card. To close an account, the entity customer shall provide Letter of Introduction from the entity, pertaining original information given on opening of the account, relevant original certificates, original and duplicate ID of the master card holder as well as the handling person, while for the Individual customer, the master card holder shall apply to close the account in person and provide pertaining original information given on opening of the account, relevant original certificates, original and duplicate ID of the master card holder. The customer of Named Card shall go through account closing formalities at the designated card issuing office with all Fuel Cards covered by the account returned ( in the event that any Fuel Card is lost, go through the loss reporting formality first). Formal refunding formality can be handled 15 days after the Card issuing office accepts the application for account closing, and the refunded sum is subject to the balance of the Fuel Card. Entity customer can only be refunded by transferring to the account, not in cash.  


Chapter 4 Rules for Use

 Article 12

The Card remains effective for 6 years as from the day the account is opened. The customer shall extend or replace the Card at the designated office prior to the due date, After the card is expired, relevant provisions of Card Seller shall be referred to for settlement.
 Article 13

When the customer selects to restrict the Card use to specific automobile plates number. The Named Card customer shall set a password at the same time.

 Article 14

When the customer has fuel filled with Fuel Card, the settlement price shall be based on the reading of the dispensers. 

Article 15

The Unnamed Card can be used at the Convenience Store of Sinopec Service stations. Individual card customer can decide, at his own discretion, whether to open the service of Convenience Store or not, while entity customer and Individual Multiple User Card customer are not allowed to the use in Service Station Convenience Store.
 Article 16

The Card shall be used and kept by the customer himself. The customer shall bear all expenses and losses as a result of lending or transfer of the card. 
 Article 17

In the event that the customer’s information is changed, the customer shall update such at the designated Card office with effective certificates. Before going through formalities to update the information, the service will continue to be provided on the original basis, and customer shall bear all losses incurred as a result of failure to update the information in time.

 Article 18

For additional affiliate card or password reset, the Named Card customer shall register and provide relevant information at the designated card issuing office (Letter of Introduction, Master Card, original and duplicate IDs of master card holder and the handling person for entity user, whilst Master Card, original and duplicate IDs of master card holder and the handling person for Individual user).

 Article 19

When the Multiple User Card customer go through pre-allocation business at the designated office, the customer shall provide the ID Card of the master card holder together with  the handling person.

 Article 20

In case the Named Card is lost, the customer shall report the loss in a timely manner pursuant to relevant provisions set out by the Card Seller. Any fuel filling and other losses incurred within 24 hours after the loss is reported shall be borne by the customer, while any fuel filling and other losses incurred 24 hours after the loss is reported shall be borne by SINOPEC. After the customer reports the loss of the Card, he can not cancel this report.


Chapter 5 Miscellaneous

 Article 21

This charter goes into effect as from October 1, 2009, at the same time, the Sinopec Fuel Card Charter in force since April 19, 2005 is herefrom annul.

 Article 22

The interpretation of this charter rests with SINOPEC.

 Article 23

The province-level Company under SINOPEC may formulate detailed rules on the basis of this charter and shall fulfill the obligation for public notice.
 Article 24

As authorized by SINOPEC, Sinopec Senmei (Fujian) Petroleum Company Limited is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Fuel Card system of Sinopec Fujian Oil Product Branch Company.

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